NEURODPT/​NTP  610 — Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience

4 credits.

Study of original papers leading to an understanding of the molecular basis of electrical activity in neurons. Topics include voltage-sensitive currents, molecular biology of neuronal receptorrs, synaptic transmission and sensory transduction.

NEURODPT/​NTP/​PSYCH  611 — Systems Neuroscience

4 credits.

Introduction to the anatomy and physiology of the mammalian nervous system. Lectures will cover the neuroanatomy of the major subdivisions of the human brain, the major sensory and motor systems, and higher order functions. Lab/discussion sections will emphasize readings from the primary literature and hands-on dissections.

NEURODPT/​NTP/​ZOOLOGY  616 — Lab Course in Neurobiology and Behavior

4 credits.

Independent experimental modules exploring neurophysiology and behavior will be completed in groups. Learn techniques and develop investigations into three separate areas of neurobiology.

NEURODPT/​NTP  629 — Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Memory

3 credits.

Focuses on the cell signaling and the resulting structural changes that occur at neuronal synapses during memory formation. The aim is to understand how the synaptic changes underlying memory occur.

NEURODPT/​PSYCH/​ZOOLOGY  674 — Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Seminar

2 credits.

Behavior results from a complex interplay among hormones, the brain, and environmental factors. Behaviors and their underlying neural substrates have evolved in response to specific environmental conditions, resulting in vast species diversity in behavioral and neuroendocrine solutions to environmental problems. Designed to explore the primary literature on the neuroendocrine underpinnings of behavior spanning from feeding to sex differences in complex social behaviors. A range of taxonomic groups will be discussed, including (but not limited to) mammals, birds, and fish.

NEURODPT 675 — Selected Topics in Physiology

1-3 credits.

Topics include: advanced cardiovascular physiology, advanced respiratory physiology, advanced endocrinology, membrane transport physiology and neurobiology.

NEURODPT 699 — Directed Study

1-4 credits.

Independent work.

NEURODPT 747 — Sensory and Motor Systems

2 credits.

Overview of the basic science principles of sensory and motor systems in the central and peripheral nervous system, with clinicians providing complementary presentations on their relevant experiences in the clinic. Topics include Somatosensory pathways in spinal cord, brainstem and cerebrum, Motor neurons in spinal cord and brainstem and the descending systems that control them, Blood Supply of the CNS and affiliated vascular syndromes, Cerebellum, Basal Ganglia and associated pathways, Eye Movement control, Vestibular, Auditory, and Visual systems and organization of Cerebral Cortex.

NEURODPT/​NTP/​ZOOLOGY  765 — Developmental Neuroscience

3 credits.

Analysis of neural development with emphasis on experimental approaches. Combination of lectures and discussions of primary literature. Topics include neural induction, patterning, mechanisms of axon guidance, neural crest cell migration and differentiation, cortical development, and synapse formation and elimination.

NEURODPT 990 — Research and Thesis

1-9 credits.

Research supervised by individual faculty members.