MIL SCI 101 — Foundations of Officership

1 credit.

Introduction to life as a commissioned officer. Establishes fundamentals of leadership, Army values and skills required of a successful Army officer.

MIL SCI 102 — Basic Leadership

1 credit.

Establishes foundation of basic leadership fundamentals such as problem solving, communications, briefing and effective writing, goal setting, techniques for improving listening and speaking skills and an introduction to counseling.

MIL SCI 110 — Leadership Lab 1A

1 credit.

Develop proficiency with hands-on experience in a field environment. Specific activities include military navigation, employment of communications and weapon systems, rappelling, and small unit tactics.

MIL SCI 111 — Leadership Lab 1B

1 credit.

Continuation of MIL SCI 110

MIL SCI 201 — Individual Leadership Studies

2 credits.

Identify successful leadership characteristics through observation of others and self through experiential learning exercises. Record observed traits (good and bad) in a dimensional leadership journal and discuss observations in small group settings. Learn map reading and land navigation skills, including conversion of magnetic and grid azimuths and resection.

MIL SCI 202 — Leadership and Teamwork

2 credits.

Study examines how to build successful teams, various methods for influencing action, effective communication in setting and achieving goals, the importance of timing the decision, creativity in the problem solving process and obtaining team buy-in through immediate feedback.

MIL SCI 210 — Leadership Lab 2A

1 credit.

Implement small unit tactical training, learnArmy methods for approaching and reacting to tactical situations. Covers land navigation skills, information processing skills, and Army leadership principles.

MIL SCI 211 — Leadership Lab 2B

1 credit.

Army organization and planning methods, and the opportunity to practice and implement these methods in practical exercises.

MIL SCI 301 — Leadership and Problem Solving

2 credits.

Conduct self-assessment of leadership style, develop personal fitness regimen, and learn to plan and conduct individual/small unit tactical training while testing reasoning and problem solving techniques. Receive direct feedback on leadership abilities.

MIL SCI 302 — Leadership and Ethics

2 credits.

Examines the role communications, values and ethics play in effective leadership. Topics include ethical decision-making, consideration of others and survey Army leadership doctrine. Emphasis is on improving oral and written communication abilities, and increasing small unit tactics skills.

MIL SCI 310 — Leadership Lab 3A

1 credit.

Small unit tactical troop leading procedures are taught and practiced. Hand signals, operations orders, and land navigation skills are perfected for preparation for national advanced leadership camp.

MIL SCI 311 — Leadership Lab 3B

1 credit.

Learn in-depth leadership procedures, and practice the Army planning process for groups of 30 personnel. Learn how to conduct Army training and classes in order to teach other cadets based on prior knowledge.

MIL SCI 401 — Leadership and Management

2 credits.

Develop proficiency in planning and executing complex operations, functioning as a member of a staff, and mentoring subordinates. Explore training management methods of effective staff collaboration, and developmental counseling techniques.

MIL SCI 402 — Officership

2 credits.

Includes fundamentals of military law, administrative and logistics procedures and practical exercises on establishing an ethical command climate. Presentations, briefings and leadership positions are used to train and evaluate.

MIL SCI 410 — Leadership Lab 4A

1 credit.

Learn how to allocate resources and time to adequately train large groups of people. Practice creating training plans, and bringing together all of the elements necessary to complete training. Opportunities to aid in the evaluation of others leadership, which gives them the ability to better review their own leadership.

MIL SCI 411 — Leadership Lab 4B

1 credit.

Learn the final elements of an Army officer's job. Mentor and plan training, as well as monitor the effectiveness of others. Learn fine points of improving others performance and getting the most out of subordinates.

MIL SCI 491 — American Military History

3 credits.

Surveys the American military experience from the Colonial Era to the present. Focus on learning about: the nature of combat, the impact of new technology on warfare, the relationship between civilian and military authorities, the impact of leadership, and the influence of political, social, and economic factors on military operations.