C&E SOC/​AGROECOL/​AGRONOMY/​ENTOM/​ENVIR ST  103 — Agroecology: An Introduction to the Ecology of Food and Agriculture

3 credits.

Agroecology has blossomed across the world in recent decades as not only a science, but also a practice, and a movement. Employ the multiple disciplines and perspectives that Agroecology affords to analyze our agricultural and food systems wihin a broader context of dynamic social and ecological relationships.

C&E SOC/​SOC  140 — Introduction to Community and Environmental Sociology

4 credits.

Sociological examination of the linkages between the social and biophysical dimensions of the environment. Key topics include community organizing, local food systems, energy transitions, environmental justice, resource dependence, and sustainable development.

C&E SOC/​SOC  210 — Survey of Sociology

3-4 credits.

Introduction to the field of American sociology, its subfields and specialized areas of research, theoretical traditions and research methods.

C&E SOC/​SOC  211 — The Sociological Enterprise

3 credits.

Basic principles and definitions of sociology. Readings and discussion of the perspectives of sociology, the individual and society, groups and social process, stratification, organizations and power, demography, and social change.

C&E SOC/​SOC  222 — Food, Culture, and Society

3 credits.

Social and cultural dimensions of food production and consumption. Uses historical and cross-cultural analytical frameworks. Treats a wide variety of topics including indigenous, racial, and ethnic foodways, industrialized food systems, sustainable agriculture, movements for food justice.

C&E SOC/​HIST SCI  230 — Agriculture and Social Change in Western History

3 credits.

Agricultural practices and social history from prehistoric times to the present. Topics include origins of agriculture, feudalism, agriculture in the Industrial Revolution, farming in America, and the consequences of the Green Revolution.

C&E SOC/​SOC  245 — Technology and Society

3 credits.

Covers technology, the social forces shaping its development, and social impacts of its adoption. Examine one's assumptions about technology and its relationship to society.

C&E SOC/​F&W ECOL/​SOC  248 — Environment, Natural Resources, and Society

3 credits.

Introduces the concerns and principles of sociology through examination of human interaction with the natural environment. Places environmental issues such as resource depletion, population growth, food production, environmental regulation, and sustainability in national and global perspectives.

C&E SOC/​HISTORY/​POLI SCI/​SOC  259 — Forward? The Wisconsin Idea, Past and Present

1-3 credits.

Engage in ongoing reflection and dialogue on the Wisconsin Idea and how it informs the mission of the University of Wisconsin. Consider the Wisconsin Idea as it has developed since its beginnings, with a focus on what it means today and what it can mean in the future.


3-4 credits.

Latin American culture and society from an interdisciplinary perspective; historical developments from pre-Columbian times to the present; political movements; economic problems; social change; ecology in tropical Latin America; legal systems; literature and the arts; cultural contrasts involving the US and Latin America; land reform; labor movements; capitalism, socialism, imperialism; mass media.

C&E SOC 289 — Honors Independent Study

1-2 credits.

Research work for Honors students under direct guidance of a faculty member in an area of Community and Environmental Sociology. Students are responsible for arranging the work and credits with the supervising instructor.

C&E SOC 299 — Independent Study

1-3 credits.

Research work for students under direct guidance of a faculty member in an area of Community and Environmental Sociology. Students are responsible for arranging the work and credits with the supervising instructor.

C&E SOC/​A A E/​SOC  340 — Issues in Food Systems

3-4 credits.

With primary emphasis on the U.S., the course covers social, economic and biological dimensions of food systems. Using classroom and community experience, the course combines academic approaches with practitioner knowledge. A community project is required.

C&E SOC/​SOC  341 — Labor in Global Food Systems

3 credits.

Overview of our current food system and how new technologies and globalization are reshaping it, focusing especially on the implications for workers throughout the food chain. Learn about the ways that social movements are working to reshape commodity chains by promoting local production, fair trade, and labor justice.

C&E SOC/​SOC  343 — Sociology of Health and Medicine

3 credits.

Social, cultural, and structural factors in shaping definitions of health and illness, distribution of disparate health outcomes, and the organization of health professions and healthcare.

C&E SOC/​SOC  357 — Methods of Sociological Inquiry

3-4 credits.

Scientific methods in the study of society; procedures for testing sociological theory: problem definition, hypothesis construction, collection and evaluation of data. Practical experience conducting small research projects.

C&E SOC/​SOC  360 — Statistics for Sociologists I

4 credits.

Presentation of sociological data; descriptive statistics; probability theory and statistical inference; estimation and tests of hypotheses; regression and correlation and the analysis of contingency tables.

C&E SOC/​SOC  361 — Statistics for Sociologists II

4 credits.

Applied linear regression modeling for social scientists. Bivariate and multiple regression, dummy variables, interactions, nonlinear relationships, indirect effects and omitted variable bias, outliers, heteroskedasticity, and mulitcollinearity; associated diagnostics and corrections. Use of Stata and/or SAS for dataset creation and analysis.

C&E SOC/​SOC  365 — Data Management for Social Science Research

3-4 credits.

Understanding the structure of different types of social scientific data, techniques for data evaluation, cleaning, documentation and visual display, merging data from multiple sources, restructuring data for analysis.

C&E SOC 375 — Special Topics

1-4 credits.

Specialized topics in community and environmental sociology. In-depth investigation into the sociological aspects of a variety of community and environmental issues, such as globalization, climate change, social and environmental sustainability, technology.

C&E SOC 399 — Coordinative Internship/Cooperative Education

1-8 credits.

An internship under guidance of a faculty or instructional academic staff member in Community and Environmental Sociology and internship site supervisor. Students are responsible for arranging the work and credits with the UW-Madison instructor and the internship site supervisor.

C&E SOC 400 — Study Abroad in Community and Environmental Sociology

1-6 credits.

Provides an area equivalency for courses taken on Madison Study Abroad Programs that do not equate to existing UW courses. Enrollment in a UW-Madison resident study abroad program

C&E SOC/​CURRIC/​ENVIR ST  405 — Education for Sustainable Communities

3 credits.

How can education - for children and adults, in school and out - help to address crucial environmental and social sustainability challenges? What ideas and strategies have guided environmental and sustainability education over the years? What can individual people do to address environmental challenges, and what can only be accomplished by people working together? What does sustainability have to do with justice - and vice versa? Examine the principles behind behavior change and empowerment, community action and whole-scale social reform. Drawing on research and theory from across the social sciences, we will explore the uncertain relationship between education and advocacy, seeking the means by which education can have the greatest impact without compromising the core ideals of a democratic society.

C&E SOC/​ENVIR ST/​GEOG  434 — People, Wildlife and Landscapes

3 credits.

Explores the relationship between humans and wildlife amid diverse landscapes, both historic and contemporary, tropical and temperate. Investigates how humans shape wild animal populations by modifying physical environments, and by hunting, domesticating and introducing species.

C&E SOC/​SOC  475 — Classical Sociological Theory

3 credits.

Classical theory; Marx, Durkheim, Weber, and other important classical theorists and schools of thought.

C&E SOC 500 — Capstone Experience

3 credits.

A capstone experience involving the application of sociological concepts and methods to concrete social and environmental problems. Involves working in teams, engaging in problems using approaches such as service learning, community based research, and interdisciplinary approaches.

C&E SOC/​SOC  532 — Health Care Issues for Individuals, Families and Society

3 credits.

Issues related to health and health care delivery in our society. Topics include social, cultural and ethical influences on consumer definitions of health and use of medical care, and on the health care system's responses.

C&E SOC/​SOC  533 — Public Health in Rural & Urban Communities

3 credits.

Sociological approaches to community, rural, and public health. Examines epidemiological evidence for and policy solutions to health issues that impact vulnerable populations in diverse geographic and social settings. Topics include mental health, environmental and occupational health, preventive care, substance abuse.

C&E SOC/​ENVIR ST/​SOC  540 — Sociology of International Development, Environment, and Sustainability

3 credits.

Sociological analysis of relationships among economic growth, environmental sustainability and social justice in the developing world. Considers frameworks for understanding poverty, hunger, educational and technological inequality, and the impact of globalization on prospects for socially and ecologically sustainable development.

C&E SOC/​SOC  541 — Environmental Stewardship and Social Justice

3 credits.

Application of sociological theory and analysis to environmental issues. Examines the ways in which environmental stewardship and conflict are embedded within broader cultural, social, and political contexts.

C&E SOC/​AGRONOMY/​MED HIST/​PHILOS  565 — The Ethics of Modern Biotechnology

3 credits.

An in-depth study of a selection of ethical issues arising from the application of modern biotechnology to microorganisms, plants, non-human animals, and human beings. We will aim at a discussion that is informed by empirical research and by work done in ethical theory, political philosophy, and other relevant disciplines, and whose character is rigorous, clear, nuanced, and unbiased.

C&E SOC/​SOC  573 — Community Organization and Change

3 credits.

Examines theories of community change and different models of community organizing.

C&E SOC/​AMER IND/​SOC  578 — Poverty and Place

3 credits.

The allocation of economic and social rewards in the United States; emphasis on persistently poor regions and communities; analysis of selected minority groups and their poverty statuses; poverty programs and their consequences for structural and cultural changes.

C&E SOC/​SOC/​URB R PL  617 — Community Development

3 credits.

Social, cultural and personality factors influencing community development, with reference to developing countries as well as contemporary rural communities; consideration of theoretical and operational issues.

C&E SOC/​SOC  618 — Social Network Analysis

3 credits.

Social network analysis is a social scientific approach examining individuals as embedded in networks of social relations. Covers the fundamentals of network thinking, network tools, and the analysis and presentation of social network data. Direct practice with network data using software R.

C&E SOC/​SOC  630 — Sociology of Developing Societies/Third World

3 credits.

Review of problems and prospects of so-called "developing societies." Includes theory of economic/social development, political economic organizations of "developing" societies, history of colonialism/imperialism, attempts to industrialize and results of those attempts.

C&E SOC/​SOC/​URB R PL  645 — Modern American Communities

3 credits.

Relevance of the concept of community to American society. Review of several basic theories of community and analysis of the nature of community in the broader political and economic context.

C&E SOC/​SOC  650 — Sociology of Agriculture

3 credits.

Introduction to sociology of agriculture in advanced industrial-capitalist societies, including theoretical, historical, and empirical issues of agriculture in the United States.

C&E SOC/​SOC  652 — Sociology of Economic Institutions

3 credits.

Sociological perspectives on the organization of the firm, financial markets, and work, intermediate associations (unions, ethnic economies), the state, and the international economy. Contrast between neoclassical, traditional institutionalist, post-fordist, and neo-fordist perspectives on the nature and evolution of these institutions.

C&E SOC/​SOC  676 — Applied Demography: Planning and Policy

3 credits.

Introduction to demographic concepts, methods, data, and trends for application in business, government, planning and other applied areas. Emphasis on U.S. census data and their uses.

C&E SOC 681 — Senior Honors Thesis

2-4 credits.

Individual study for undergraduate students in an Honors program completing a thesis in the area of Community and Environmental Sociology, as arranged with a faculty member.

C&E SOC 682 — Senior Honors Thesis

2-4 credits.

Second semester of individual study for undergraduate students in an Honors program completing a thesis in the area of Community and Environmental Sociology, as arranged with a faculty member. C&E SOC 681

C&E SOC 691 — Senior Thesis

2 credits.

Individual study for undergraduate students completing a thesis in the area of Community and Environmental Sociology, as arranged with a faculty member.

C&E SOC 692 — Senior Thesis

2 credits.

Second semester of individual study for undergraduate students completing a thesis in the area of Community and Environmental Sociology, as arranged with a faculty member. C&E SOC 691

C&E SOC/​SOC  693 — Practicum in Analysis and Research

3 credits.

Practical experience in techniques of social research through assignment to a research project for the semester. Focuses on the art and practice of research and the writing of research reports.

C&E SOC 699 — Special Problems

1-4 credits.

Individual advanced work in an area of Community and Environmental Sociology under the direct guidance of a faculty member.

C&E SOC/​I SY E/​N E/​SOC  708 — Societal Risk Management of Technological Hazards

3 credits.

Issues involved in decision-making regarding technological risks and risk management in areas such as nuclear power, hazardous waste disposal, and pollution control. Risk perception and cognitive biases; risk analysis and decision analysis; political issues in risk management; regulatory mechanisms; and risk communication. Selected case studies.

C&E SOC/​SOC  724 — Intermediate Political Sociology

3 credits.

Critical examination of theories and research in political sociology. Topics include: power and interests, state-formation, social movements, class and political behavior, revolutions, ideology, and states and social policy.

C&E SOC/​SOC  730 — Intermediate Social Psychology: The Individual and Society

3 credits.

Major social psychological theories and research that focus on the individual in social context. Topics include: perspectives on socialization, the self, social perception and attribution, attitudes, language and nonverbal communication, and attraction and relationships.

C&E SOC/​SOC  731 — Intermediate Social Psychology: Group and Collective Processes

3 credits.

Major social pychological theories and research that focus on interpersonal relations and group processes. Topics include: social interaction (influence, self-presentation, altruism, agression), groups (cohesion, conformity, leadership, problem-solving, decision making), intergroup relations (conflict, stereotypes), n-person games (dilemmas, coalition formation).

C&E SOC/​SOC  750 — Research Methods in Sociology

3 credits.

Application of scientific methods to the analysis of social phenomena; methodological orientations in sociology; types of research procedure: nature of sociological variables.

C&E SOC/​ED POL/​SOC  755 — Methods of Qualitative Research

3 credits.

Introduces qualitative, or ethnographic, research methods, emphasizing those suitable for educational and other organizational settings. Considers strengths and limitations of qualitative approaches in relation to varied research problems. Explores methodological procedures from entry into the field through writing.

C&E SOC/​SOC  875 — Special Topics

1-4 credits.

Advanced topics in sociology. Topics vary.

C&E SOC/​GEN&WS/​SOC  904 — Sociological Perspectives on Gender

3 credits.

Advanced topics in the analysis of gender relations in society.

C&E SOC/​SOC  913 — Seminar-Social Change

3 credits.

Advanced study of current research in social change, e.g., democratization in the Global South, labor movements, urban protests, social media campaigns.

C&E SOC/​SOC  922 — Seminar-Race and Ethnic Relations

3 credits.

Theoretical, methodological, and current research problems.

C&E SOC/​SOC  923 — Seminar-Social Stratification

3 credits.

Advanced study of current research in social stratification, e.g., historical and comparative studies of inequality; mathematical and econometric modeling of mobility and achievement processes; demographic approaches to power and inequality.

C&E SOC/​ANTHRO/​ECON/​SOC  925 — Seminar: Socio-Economic Change in Underdeveloped Areas

2-3 credits.

Social and economic factors relating to stability, growth, and change in the non-Western areas of the contemporary world.

C&E SOC/​SOC  929 — Seminar: Class Analysis and Historical Change

3 credits.

Selected topics in Marxist theory and research.

C&E SOC/​SOC  940 — Seminar-Sociology of Economic Change

3 credits.

Theoretical and technical problems in research concerning organizational and socio-psychological aspects of changes in large scale social systems.

C&E SOC/​SOC  945 — Seminar-Rural Sociology

3 credits.

Theory and research in alternate semesters in rural aspects of population, stratification, social change, and groups and institutions.

C&E SOC/​SOC  948 — Seminar: Environmental Sociology

3 credits.

Examines topics such as theories of environment and society, the treadmill of production, environmental movements, political ecology, environmental justice, consumption, ecological modernization, sustainability, environmental risk, and the sociology of environmental science.

C&E SOC/​SOC  960 — Seminar-Current Methodological Issues in Social Psychology

3 credits.

Alternative research designs and processes, measurement, and analytical techniques in social psychology; experience in developing and utilizing research plans and techniques.

C&E SOC/​SOC  965 — Seminar-Recent Developments in Social Psychology

3 credits.

Current literature, emphasis on recent journal articles.

C&E SOC/​SOC  971 — Seminar-Topics in Demography and Ecology

3 credits.

Advanced study of selected topics related to population and society, including health and inequality across the life course, environmental and spatial demography, biodemography.

C&E SOC/​SOC  972 — Seminar in Population and Development

3 credits.

Examine current issues in population and development using conceptual tools of sociology and demography. Critique the motivations of agents and institutions involved in creating population policies and will evaluate the empirical evidence linking population processes and international development in its varied forms. Focus on the impact of international population priorities on the current relationship between population and development, with particular attention to gender, poverty, and health.

C&E SOC/​SOC  977 — Seminar-Human Ecology

3 credits.

Review of ecological theory and research; critical assessment of the ecological complex (population, organization, environment, and technology); problems of measurement.

C&E SOC/​A A E/​ANTHRO/​GEOG/​HISTORY/​LACIS/​POLI SCI/​PORTUG/​SOC/​SPANISH  982 — Interdepartmental Seminar in the Latin-American Area

1-3 credits.

Interdisciplinary inquiry in Latin American society and culture.

C&E SOC/​SOC  985 — Research: Community and Environmental Sociology

1-3 credits.

Critical analysis of recent theoretical and methodological issues through presentations of research in progress.

C&E SOC/​SOC  987 — Research: Race and Ethnic Studies

1-3 credits.

Analysis of recent research and theory, based on reviews of literature and presentations of research in progress.

C&E SOC 990 — Research

1-12 credits.

Independent graduate research under supervision of a faculty member.

C&E SOC/​SOC  993 — Research: Sociology of Economic Change Trainees

1-3 credits.

Presentations of research in progress concerning social and economic change in developing countries.

C&E SOC/​SOC  995 — Research: Methodology Trainees

1-3 credits.

Workshop on social science research methods and professional development, e.g. ethics, communication, data management, novel research methods.

C&E SOC/​SOC  997 — Research: Demography and Ecology Trainees

1-3 credits.

Interdisciplinary training workshop on current research in population science from scholars at research and teaching institutions around the world.

C&E SOC 999 — Reading and Research

1-3 credits.

Independent graduate research under supervision of a faculty member.