COUN PSY 105 — Human Resources Develop: Awareness Processes-Cnsl&Guid Perspective

1 credit.

Didactic and experiential learning and exploration to provide basic understanding of inter- and intrapersonal relations. Topics include values clarification, information acquisition, skill acquisition, human relations, self-understanding, self-development, and self-evaluation.

COUN PSY 110 — Human Resources Development: Career Strategies

1 credit.

Exploration and vocational development through didactic and experiential learning. Career education concerns the place and value of work in the individual's life span and style--development and assessment of self, an understanding of the world of work, and facilitation of decision-making, planning, and preparation.

COUN PSY 115 — Human Resources Development: Educational Effectiveness

1 credit.

Exploration of personal, institutional, and community resources that optimize academic success and persistence. Utilizes didactic and experiential methods to develop higher level learning, skill, and understanding.

COUN PSY/​ASIAN/​ED PSYCH/​PSYCH  120 — The Art and Science of Human Flourishing

3 credits.

Explore perspectives related to human flourishing from the sciences and humanities; investigate themes such as transformation, resilience, compassion, diversity, gratitude, community; expand self-awareness, enhanced social connectivity, and ability to change; formulate a sense of what it means to lead a flourishing life that sustains meaningful and fulfilling engagement with studies, relationships, community, and career.

COUN PSY 125 — The Wisconsin Experience Seminar

1 credit.

Examine transition to UW-Madison through exploration of the research university and the Wisconsin Experience. A variety of texts, including a novel and textbook, will provide a context for discussion, writing, and experiential assignments.

COUN PSY 200 — LGBTQ+ People and Mental Health Equity

3 credits.

Theories and research concerning the reasons for sexuality and gender mental health disparities; the significance of contemporary and historical debates over inequality; policies and practices to reduce inequality in health care for LGBTQ+ people.

COUN PSY 225 — Intersectionalities, Self ­Awareness, and Social Actions for Social Change

3 credits.

An introduction to the intersectionality framework in the United States to enhance skills necessary for culturally responsive awareness and interactions, with specific emphasis on how to think critically about and hold multiple perspectives and how to prepare for service learning. In addition to learning how contexts and social histories matter to situate an understanding of experience, develop self-awareness and understanding of social location as well as learn how contextual factors shape identity, opportunities, and barriers for others. Relevant for all students of different identities, backgrounds, and experiences, who are interested in developing their awareness, knowledge and skills with multiculturalism and diversity.

COUN PSY 230 — Race and the Developing Child

3 credits.

Children's psychological experience of racial, ethnic and cultural (REC) status, development of their understandings of REC, and implications of this development for discussing, dialoguing, and working with REC diversity with an emphasis on educational contexts.

COUN PSY 237 — Mental Health, Self-Awareness, and Social Justice: Working in Diverse Communities

3 credits.

Designed to increase knowledge, awareness, and skills of students interested in working on mental health matters within diverse identity groups and communities. Conceptualize mental health and well-being across communities in terms of (a) intersectional identities (individual and groups), (b) mental health and access and utilization of services, and (c) social determinants of health in different contexts and settings. Engage in reflective exercises to understand how their social identities influence their work in different types of communities.

COUN PSY 300 — Special Topics: Counseling and Counseling Psychology

1-4 credits.

Examines various special topics in Counseling and Counseling Psychology. Students need to submit an application and have sophomore standing in order to be considered for this class.

COUN PSY 325 — Seminar: Students Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity (SEED)

3-4 credits.

Use personal experiences, readings, and discussions as frameworks for interrogating social, cultural, and political inequities. Engage in dialogues and experiential activities about social differences to promote critical consciousness and intercultural competence across disciplines.

COUN PSY/​CHICLA  331 — Immigrant Health and Wellbeing

3 credits.

Develop an understanding of immigrant health in the United States from the perspective of social and structural determinants. Applies concepts to a comprehensive framework for the development of health. Describes health assets and risks for specific vulnerable immigrant groups, such as women, children, and undocumented individuals and mixed immigration status families. Provides guidelines for improving immigrant access to quality health care, including language services, provider competence, policy and organizational supports, and community-based collaboration, advocacy, and research.

COUN PSY 332 — Gender and Queer Issues in Psychology

3 credits.

Explore history, theory, and research related to the psychology of gender and sexuality. A feminist approach is used to deconstruct gender and sexuality within the field of psychology and other mental health fields. Discussions include challenging the current system of psychology, while also integrating concepts to work within the system. An applied approach is used to encourage participation in activities to integrate activism and knowledge into professional identity, bringing in experiences from field placements, internship, and/or places of employment.

COUN PSY 333 — Asian American Psychology

3 credits.

Examines the personality and mental health issues of Asian Americans. Special emphasis is given to how minority group status, adaptation processes, and bicultural development influence various aspects of psychological functioning. Specific topics include stereotypes and racism, acculturation and enculturation, cultural values/behavioral norms, family roles, ethnic identity development, communication styles, gender and interracial relationships, academic and career achievement, stressors and social support systems within Asian communities, psychopathology, and culturally competent mental health treatment and service delivery.

COUN PSY/​ELPA  350 — Peer Leadership and Mentorship with Transitioning Students

1 credit.

Examines student development in the first college year and strategies upper class students can utilize to be effective leaders and mentors of new students.

COUN PSY 372 — Psychology of Mindfulness

3 credits.

An academic and experiential introduction to mindfulness meditation framed within the perspective of psychology is provided. Scientific research and modern meditation instructions that have formed the basis of a variety of secular mindfulness-based interventions are reviewed. Readings will adopt a variety of perspectives and methodologies, including conceptual/theoretical work, clinical trials, review articles including meta-analyses (i.e., aggregating findings across studies), and measurement-oriented studies. Key topics include: Buddhist and historical underpinnings of secular mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and similar interventions (e.g., lovingkindness and compassion-based meditation), and empirical literature pertaining to neuroscientific and clinical effects of mindfulness training and related interventions.

COUN PSY 500 — Radical Healing and Ethics of Bilingual Latinx Training

1 credit.

Provide the philosophical foundations and ethical considerations for delivering culturally- and linguistically-appropriate mental health support to multilingual Latinx communities. Build a foundational knowledge of liberatory philosophy, community-engaged work that promotes radical healing, review the ethical codes relevant to their field of study, and discuss how professional values and ethical mandates relate to Latinx cultural values and multilingual psychological service delivery.

COUN PSY/​CHICLA  525 — Dimensions of Latin@ Mental Health Services

3 credits.

Provides training for students who aspire to one of the helping, health, or mental health professions and who currently work or who envision themselves working with Latin@ populations. Provides important frameworks for working with Latin@s, including cultural, spiritual, linguistic and historical features relevant to this population and begin to apply their knowledge in service learning placements.

COUN PSY 531 — Prevention and Intervention in Mental Health Across the Lifespan

3 credits.

Introduction to mental health concerns and wellbeing, protective and risk factors, and the design and outcomes of evidence-based intervention and prevention programs to promote behavioral and emotional wellbeing across the lifespan. Focus on individual, family, and community health, with particular attention to socioeconomic, cultural, social, and structural mechanisms. Provides an overview of mental health outcomes and prevention programs or interventions aimed to prevent or ameliorate mental illness and distress, and promote positive mental health across the lifespan, including description of issues related to the design, implementation, and evaluation of prevention and intervention programs.

COUN PSY 550 — Strengthening Latinxs

3 credits.

Develop proficiency in conducting basic psychotherapeutic helping skills in Spanish through role-plays and specialized training that integrates Latinx psychological theories into practical clinical interventions. Demonstrate advanced Spanish proficiency on ACTFL Proficiency Placement Exam

COUN PSY 575 — Latinx Foundational Practicum: Case Conceptualization

1 credit.

Examine the mental health treatment and practice implications of working with Spanish-speaking Latinxs through a culturally affirming, linguistically appropriate, and strengths-based approach. Evaluate different counseling strategies and develop skills to understand and assess Latinx mental health to appropriately guide treatment. Foster reflexivity and examine one's own sociopolitical positionality and influence on the process of psychotherapy with Latinxs.

COUN PSY 580 — Latinx Advanced Practicum: Treatment Planning & Interventions

1 credit.

Examine the mental health treatment and practice implications of working with Spanish-speaking Latinxs through a culturally affirming, linguistically appropriate, and strengths-based approach. Evaluate different counseling strategies and develop skills to understand and assess Latinx mental health to appropriately guide treatment. Foster reflexivity and examine one's own sociopolitical positionality and influence on the process of psychotherapy with Latinxs.

COUN PSY 601 — Best Practices in Community-Engaged Scholarship

2 credits.

Community-engaged scholarship (CES) captures a broad understanding of the possibilities to learn, teach, and do research through academic-community collaboration. CES encompasses the interaction known as "service-learning" or "community-based learning" (CBL) as well as complex models of academic-community engagement known as "community-based research" or "participatory action research." Staff members from the Morgridge Center for Public Service (MCPS) will introduce the concepts and models of CES, discuss the importance of building and maintaining community relationships, identify challenges and solutions in implementing CES, and assist you in creating your own course, project, or proposal.

COUN PSY 620 — Special Topics in Counseling and Guidance

1-6 credits.

Instruction and/or practice in specialized counseling approaches, strategies, and techniques; working with various populations of clients served by counselors.

COUN PSY 650 — Theory and Practice in Interviewing

3 credits.

Theoretical bases for conducting interviews; types of interviewing; introduction to counseling and interviewing techniques. Limited opportunity to practice.

COUN PSY 655 — Clinical Communication Skills

3 credits.

Designed to help students develop an understanding of the clinical communication process, introduce applications of this process in a variety of contexts, and practice and develop clinical communication skills. Gain familiarity with research and theory on communication in a variety of clinical settings. Provides didactic and experiential training in developing basic competencies in clinical communication and listening skills, including personal and cultural characteristics that impact the communication process.

COUN PSY 665 — Career Development Throughout the Life Span

3 credits.

We are all engaged with, and affected by, the world of work. Career development is a lifelong process that includes tasks and decision-making related to: selecting our dream job at age five, planning our major in college, transitioning to a new field, working as career counselors, and planning for retirement. Surveys foundational and emerging career development theories and interventions. A key component includes exploration of how knowledge from career development scholarship can be applied to students' own lives within a changing socioeconomic context. Requires reflection on personal development (e.g., personalities, identities, life experiences, cultures, interests, skills, needs, and values) and apply this self-knowledge to engage career exploration and planning.

COUN PSY 699 — Independent Reading

1-3 credits.

COUN PSY 700 — Practicum Activities

1 credit.

The foundation structure for first-year Master's students to complete their required 40 hours of practicum. Develop the conceptual and administrative skills to complete practicum hours in collaboration with Counseling Psychology courses and their specific activities. Focuses on gaining the requisite developmental skills to prepare for and practice individual counseling-like interviews with student volunteers.

COUN PSY/​CURRIC/​ED POL/​ED PSYCH/​ELPA/​RP & SE  719 — Introduction to Qualitative Research

3 credits.

Provides an overview of qualitative inquiry, examining assumptions, standards, and methods for generating and communicating interpretations. Methodological and theoretical works illustrate case study, ethnography, narrative, and action research. Does not include a field method component.

COUN PSY/​ED PSYCH  723 — Developmental Processes Across the Life Span

3 credits.

Life-span perspective on studying individual development from conception to death. Emphasis on multidisciplinary, multidirectional, and contextual approaches to physical, psychological, social, and intellectual developmental processes.

COUN PSY/​ED PSYCH/​HDFS  726 — Ethnic and Racial Diversity in Social Development

3 credits.

Review of empirical and theoretical research on ethnic/racial diversity in social development across childhood, adolescence and early adulthood with emphasis on implications for counseling and school psychology.

COUN PSY/​PSYCH/​RP & SE  729 — Advanced Social Psychology

3 credits.

Intensive examination of theoretical conceptions in contemporary social psychology, including learning-theoretic, reinforcement, incentive, cognitive, and psychodynamic approaches, and research in selected topic areas reflecting these approaches, such as aggression, attitude formation and change, conformity, limitation and modeling, interpersonal attraction, perception of others, prosocial behavior, and social influence.

COUN PSY/​RP & SE  730 — Professional Counseling Orientation

3 credits.

Provides a broad understanding of professional counselor roles and functions. Also provides a broad understanding of the ethical and legal standards for professional counselors. Gain familiarity with the ACA Code of Ethics, as well as with credentialing standards and organizations relevant to the practice of mental health counseling.

COUN PSY/​ED PSYCH/​RP & SE  736 — Seminar in Psychology of Individual Differences

3 credits.

Seminar in the psychology of individual differences, providing broad and general coverage of theory and research related to individual and cultural differences.

COUN PSY/​ED PSYCH/​RP & SE  737 — Seminar in History and Systems of Psychology

3 credits.

Seminar in the history of psychology, providing broad and general coverage of the development of psychology as a scientific discipline. Includes coverage of philosophy of science and systems of psychological inquiry, with applications to current research in psychology.

COUN PSY 740 — Abnormal Behavior and Psychopathology

3 credits.

Covers the research and theory of abnormal psychology, including etiology, manifestation, and diagnosis of mental health disorders. Emphasizes research on developmental psychopathology and cultural issues in assessment and diagnosis.

COUN PSY 745 — Clinical Mental Health Counseling: Diagnosis and Treatment Planning for Counselors

3 credits.

Examine the treatment and practice implications of different mental health diagnoses and adjustment disorders. Reviews advanced principles of mental health diagnoses based on DSM 5 and ICD 10 nomenclatures and contextualizes this review for the practice of counseling applied and adapted for a diversity of clients and communities. Additionally, counseling strategies are reviewed for challenges with adjustment within various sociocultural contexts. Review empirically supported interventions for specific disorders as well as common factors that have been empirically supported as efficacious across disorders. Includes an examination of the cultural foundation of the counseling profession's and clients' explanatory models for (a) psychological and mental health distress as well as (b) healing and treatment strategies.

COUN PSY 755 — Seminar on Meta-Analysis

3 credits.

Focus on meta-analysis, a set of techniques for synthesizing the results of multiple studies addressing the same research question. Conduct a "mini" meta-analysis in an area of interest.

COUN PSY 777 — Crisis and Trauma Counseling

3 credits.

Counseling approaches that effectively address crises and trauma, exploring the impact of trauma and crisis and potential neurobiological responses, the development of skills and techniques for assessment and intervention in specific crisis or trauma situations including suicide assessment and intervention.

COUN PSY/​CURRIC/​ED POL/​ED PSYCH/​ELPA/​RP & SE  788 — Qualitative Research Methods in Education: Field Methods I

3 credits.

Introductory field methods experience in qualitative research. Learn to define good research questions, determine which methods of data collection and analysis are useful for addressing those questions, engage in these methods, reflect on their utility in education research.

COUN PSY/​CURRIC/​ED POL/​ED PSYCH/​ELPA/​RP & SE  789 — Qualitative Research Methods in Education: Field Methods II

3 credits.

Focus on data analysis and translation of finds and implications. Gain theoretical and practical knowledge and skills regarding coding and analysis techniques, use of qualitative analytic tools, strategies for sharing findings with audiences beyond research team.

COUN PSY 791 — Foundations of Clinical Mental Health Counseling

3 credits.

History development of profession; professional ethics; credentialing; major theories models; roles; and principles including prevention, intervention, consultation, education, advocacy, systems promoting mental health and well-being.

COUN PSY 800 — Theories of Counseling

3 credits.

Historical and philosophical foundations of counseling. Examination of individual counseling theories, research, roles and practices within the counseling profession.

COUN PSY 801 — Assessment and Testing in Mental Health Counseling

3 credits.

Reviews the procedures, approaches, theories, and applications associated with the educational and psychometric appraisal of groups and individuals; methods for collecting and evaluating data including validity, reliability and other psychometric properties; social and cultural and other factors associated with evaluating individuals and groups.

COUN PSY 802 — Group Dynamics Processing and Counseling

3 credits.

Reviews practice, theory, and research on group development, dynamics, and group counseling theories; group leadership styles; basic and advanced group counseling methods and skills; and other group approaches.

COUN PSY 804 — Research and Evaluation in Mental Health Counseling

3 credits.

Reviews research design, implementation, report writing, and publication; basic statistics; program evaluation; needs assessment; and ethical and legal considerations..

COUN PSY 805 — Helping Relationships and Techniques

3 credits.

Understanding and development of basic and advanced helping, interviewing, and counseling skills; consultation theory and application; development of counselor and client self understanding; facilitation of client or consultee change.

COUN PSY 806 — Supervised Practicum in Counseling

3 credits.

Introduction to psychotherapy. See volunteer clients and receive individual and group supervision related to their work with volunteer clients. Receive specialized training in case conceptualization and integrating theory into the specific interventions they are using with their volunteer clients.

COUN PSY 808 — Supervised Internship in Counseling

2-5 credits.

Supervision of Master's internship counseling experience.

COUN PSY 810 — Professional Development and Clinical Practice

1-6 credits.

Full-time involvement. Various assignments. Requires participation in a concurrent seminar.

COUN PSY 825 — Counseling Psychology Techniques With Families

3 credits.

Approaches to counseling intervention for families across the life-cycle. Specific attention paid to family stress.

COUN PSY 850 — Mental Health Consultation in Health Service Psychology

3 credits.

Provides an opportunity to understand and practice the process of consultation and to experience how the role of a consulting psychologist differs from other professional roles (i.e., clinician, supervisor, administrator). Includes a review of consultation models and theories for individuals, groups, and organizations, the fundamentals of program development and evaluation, and considerations for working within communities as a consulting psychologist. Additionally, students will begin to explore the role of the clinical supervisor, supervisor development, and models of supervision.

COUN PSY 860 — Social and Cultural Foundations of Counseling

3 credits.

Review of theory and research into social identity and cultural foundations of counseling including: (a) the societal context for bias, discrimination and differential treatment of sociocultural groups including but not limited to diversity of sexual orientation, gender expression, social class, cultural/ethnic/racial groups, ability status among other groups; (b) human diversity in social norms, cultural values, social identities, as well as intergroup and intragroup relations; (c) counselors' roles in developing cultural competence, reducing bias and discriminatory treatment of subgroups, and advocating for social justice; and (d) the practice implications of for providing cultural competence in serving across forms of sociocultural diversity.

COUN PSY 865 — Lifestyle and Career Development

3 credits.

Theoretical and practical foundations relating to the practice of lifestyle and career counseling, career guidance, and career development.

COUN PSY 890 — Advanced Assessment Techniques in Counseling Psychology

3 credits.

Methods commonly employed by counseling psychologists in the assessment of the problems of living of normal adults. Diagnostic assessment and assessment of career interests, personality, behavior, and social environment. Development of written individual assessment reports.

COUN PSY 900 — Counseling Psychology Practicum--Foundational

3 credits.

Foundational practicum and seminar in counseling psychology.

COUN PSY 901 — Couns Psych Pract: Group Counseling, Consultation, College Teaching

1-6 credits.

Supervised practice in group counseling, consultation, and/or college teaching with a focus on psychosocial development and human relations.

COUN PSY 902 — Counseling Psychology Practicum in Supervision

4 credits.

Practicum in supervising counselor trainees in laboratory and field settings.

COUN PSY 903 — Counseling Psychology Practicum--Advanced

3 credits.

Advanced practicum and topical seminar in counseling psychology.

COUN PSY 904 — Counseling Psychology Externship

1-3 credits.

Advanced training in counseling psychology assessment, intervention, and/or supervision.

COUN PSY 905 — Research Practicum in Counseling Psychology

3 credits.

Supervised research experience in the field of counseling psychology. Read about, discuss, and practice research skills that are critical at various phases of the research design and implementation process.

COUN PSY 908 — Pre-Doctoral Internship in Health Service Psychology Preparation Seminar

2 credits.

Provides preparation for application to predoctoral internship in Health Service Psychology. Includes modules designed to provide knowledge, skills, and information regarding the application, interview, and decision-making process.

COUN PSY/​RP & SE  925 — Seminar in Counseling Psychology

3 credits.

History, ethical and professional issues and problems, and current status of the psychological specialty of counseling psychology.

COUN PSY 926 — Seminar in Ethical and Professional Issues in Counseling Psychology

3 credits.

Intended to strengthen students' identities as counseling psychologists. Includes examination of (a) historical and contemporary issues that have affected psychology; (b) training and practice guidelines; and (c) ethical and legal issues, including the American Psychological Association ethics code and ethical decision-making.

COUN PSY 950 — Research Methods in Counseling Psychology

2-3 credits.

Historical, philosophical, descriptive, experimental, case-study and other models of research in counseling psychology.

COUN PSY 951 — Counseling Psychology Research in Individual Intervention

2-3 credits.

Theory and research related to the counseling dyad.

COUN PSY 954 — Seminar: Topical Research in Counseling Psychology

2-3 credits.

Special topics in counseling psychology.

COUN PSY 956 — Seminar: Research in Vocational Psychology and Career Development

2-3 credits.

Theory and research in vocational behavior and career development.

COUN PSY 960 — Research Methods in Counseling Psychology, II

3 credits.

Advanced training in research methods in counseling psychology to build skills in conceptualization, research design, data analysis and interpretation.

COUN PSY 990 — Research or Thesis

1-12 credits.

COUN PSY/​ED PSYCH/​PSYCH/​RP & SE  995 — Predoctoral Internship

0 credits.

Registration for Ph.D. students who have successfully defended the dissertation and are in the process of completing the required predoctoral internship.

COUN PSY 999 — Independent Reading

1-3 credits.