LINGUIS 101 — Human Language

3 credits.

Elementary theory and practical work in phonetics, phonology, morphology, and syntax, with attention to formal grammar.

LINGUIS/​ANTHRO/​FOLKLORE/​INTL ST  211 — Global Language Issues

3 credits.

Focuses on language and its culture, example topics include: extinction and revival, language and nationhood, how widely and deeply languages differ, language and worldview, writing systems and literacy, language discrimination and inequality.

LINGUIS 237 — Language in Wisconsin

3 credits.

For millennia, the place we now call Wisconsin has been home to countless languages and dialects: Indigenous languages, immigrant/refugee languages and English. How and when did people learn English and when and why did they begin to speak only English? How has English developed in distinctive ways here? Do hands-on, original research to answer these and related questions about English and other languages past and present in Wisconsin. Examine social and historical issues and issues of linguistic structure, drawing on local histories, archival data, Census records and audio recordings, with opportunities to do fieldwork in communities across the state and the region.

LINGUIS 299 — Directed Study

1-4 credits.

Directed study projects as arranged with a faculty member.

LINGUIS/​ANTHRO  301 — Introduction to Linguistics: Descriptive and Theoretical

3 credits.

Elementary theory and practical work in phonetics, phonology, morphology, and syntax, with attention to formal grammar.

LINGUIS 303 — Historical Linguistics

3 credits.

Understanding language change; relation of variation and change to formal properties of human language; consideration of linguistic typology, basic concepts and methods of diachronic analysis. Topics include: language classification and reconstruction; language and social identity, geography, and power; language contact; registers; writing systems.

LINGUIS 306 — General Phonetics

3 credits.

Theory of articulatory phonetics; practice in recognition, reproduction, and transcription of speech sounds and features in various languages.

LINGUIS 309 — Grammatical Variability of Language

3 credits.

Introduction to theories of variation among world languages, focusing on syntactic phenomena.

LINGUIS 310 — Phonology

3 credits.

Analysis and formal statement of phonological systems; problems and methods of phonological theory.

LINGUIS 322 — Morphology

3 credits.

Morphological characteristics of the world's languages. Introduction to theoretical approaches to morphology. Interaction between morphology and syntax; morphology and phonology.

LINGUIS 330 — Syntax

3 credits.

Grammatical theory; types of elements and processes usable in syntactic description of various sorts.

LINGUIS 340 — Semantics

3 credits.

Meaning in natural languages, relationship between syntax and semantics, compositional semantics.

LINGUIS 351 — American Sign Language 1

4 credits.

An introduction to elementary skills in production and comprehension of American Sign Language (ASL), with a communicative focus. Basics of ASL vocabulary, structure, and grammar, and the North American manual alphabet. Develop basic conversational abilities, culturally appropriate behaviors, and learn about the culture and history of Deaf communities.

LINGUIS/​AMER IND  371 — Survey of North American Indian Languages

3 credits.

Overview of native languages of North America, including topics such as history, distribution, diversity, government policy, language endangerment, elaboration of cultural domains, language and worldview, speech styles, language structure (phonology, morphology, grammatical categories), performance (narrative, song), writing systems.

LINGUIS 373 — Topics in Linguistics

3 credits.

Study of a particular topic in linguistics.

LINGUIS 426 — Field Methods I

3 credits.

Collection and analysis of phonetic, phonological, and morphological data from a particular language, using one or more speakers as consultants.

LINGUIS 427 — Field Methods II

3 credits.

Collection and analysis of morphological, syntactic, and semantic data from a particular language, using one or more speakers as consultants.

LINGUIS/​ANTHRO  430 — Language and Culture

3-4 credits.

The relationship of language as a communication system to the culture transmitted by it. Principle problems in the interrelations of language and nonlinguistic human behavior.

LINGUIS 481 — Junior Honors Tutorial

1 credit.

Mentored individual research for those pursuing Honors in the Major.

LINGUIS 482 — Junior Honors Tutorial

1 credit.

Mentored individual research for those pursuing Honors in the Major.

LINGUIS 510 — Phonological Theories

3 credits.

Theories of phonology, and advanced phonological description.

LINGUIS 522 — Advanced Morphology

3 credits.

Advanced morphological theory.

LINGUIS 530 — Syntactic Theories

3 credits.

Theories of syntax, and syntactic description. The relation of syntax to semantics, and other aspects of linguistic theory.

LINGUIS 571 — Structure of a Language

3 credits.

In-depth study of all components of the grammar of a language.

LINGUIS 583 — Senior Honors Tutorial

1 credit.

Mentored individual research for those pursuing Honors in the Major.

LINGUIS 610 — Topics in Phonological Theory

3 credits.

In-depth examination of a single phonological theory or a single area of recent phonological research.

LINGUIS 681 — Honors Seminar-Senior Thesis

3 credits.

Mentored individual research and study for students completing a thesis in an Honors program.

LINGUIS 682 — Honors Seminar-Senior Thesis

3 credits.

Mentored individual research and study for students completing a thesis in an Honors program.

LINGUIS 690 — Capstone in Linguistics

3 credits.

In-depth exploration of a particular topic in linguistics. Training in data collection methodologies. Experience gathering, organizing, and analyzing linguistic data as part of a supervised research project.

LINGUIS 699 — Independent Reading

1-6 credits.

Advanced directed study projects as arranged with a faculty member.

LINGUIS 800 — Research Methods and Materials

3 credits.

Professionalization activities for linguists, including writing and publishing, submitting abstracts to conferences, and creating CVs.

LINGUIS 977 — Seminar

2-3 credits.

Critical examination of selected issues in linguistics.

LINGUIS 990 — Thesis

1-12 credits.

Research in connection with the doctoral thesis.

LINGUIS 999 — Independent Reading

1-12 credits.

Mentored reading and research for students with dissertator status.