People–Environment Geography Option Requirements

In addition to completing the requirements for all options, complete these requirements specific to this option

Skills, Techniques & Methodology

Field Methods
Geographical Traditions and Practices
Qualitative/Quantitative Methods (1 course)3-4
Qualitative Strategies in Geography
Advanced Quantitative Methods
Introduction to Statistical Methods
Introductory Applied Statistics for Engineers
Introductory Applied Statistics for the Life Sciences
Cartography/GIS (1 course)3-4
Our Digital Globe: An Overview of GIScience and its Technology
Introduction to Cartography
Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing
An Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
Geospatial Technologies: Drones, Sensors, and Applications
Total Credits6-8


3 courses required9-12
People, Land and Food: Comparative Study of Agriculture Systems
Global Warming: Science and Impacts
Green Urbanism
Nature, Power and Society
Environmental Biogeography
Environmental Conservation
World Regions in Global Context
Changing Landscapes of the American West
Caring for Nature in Native North America
Australia: Environment and Society
Critical Indigenous Ecological Knowledges
People, Wildlife and Landscapes
US Environmental Policy and Regulation
American Environmental History
Human Transformations of Earth Surface Processes
Environmental Governance: Markets, States and Nature
Culture and Environment
The Humid Tropics: Ecology, Subsistence, and Development
Development and Environment in Southeast Asia
Total Credits9-12